Idgah summary

RIDHIMASep 23 2021

Hello everyone,

Have you read Idgah story? Let me tell you the summary of it!

At the end of Ramadan, it was Eid, and the village was very happy. Everyone woke up early and fed their oxens. The most happy were the neighbouring children. Just as the prayers get over they will rush to the stalls to play on rides, buy toys and sweets, etc.

They finally leave for Idgah and the boys are running ahead like uncontrolled horses. Mehmood has twelve coins, Mohsin has fifteen but the most happiest of all is little Hamid. He is weak, poor and has lack of parental care because his parents passed away last year and now he is left with his poor grandmother, Ameena. She tells him that his mother has gone to visit Allah to buy gifts for him and his father has gone to earn money because of this his hope is alive. Ameena feels very sad for Hamid.

Finally, they reached Idgah. Everyone washes their hands and feet and sit down for the prayers, one behind another. After the prayers were over, they all greeted each other. The children ran towards the stalls. First Hamid's friends enjoy joy rides, pay a coin and mount the wooden animals. Next, they go to the toy stalls. There they buy soldiers, kings, water carriers, etc. Then they go to the sweet stalls and buy many deicious things and mock Hamid for not buying anything. He wants to join but his wisdom prevents, he wants to buy something useful.

Then there is the utensils shop, Hamid's friends are not interested but Hamid sees a pair of tongs and remembers how his grandmother burns her fingers while making chapatis. He bargains with the blacksmith and buys the pair of tongs. He goes to his friends with the pair of tongs but his friends ridicule him for not buying toys and sweets and buying these pair of tongs. Hamids makes them silent by his sensible arguements. Mehmood tries the last time to tell him that tongs are not toys. But Hamid continues his arguements. Now the boys who were against him are excited to become friends with him and are willing to exchange their toys.

Hamid's village people return to their village at night. Ameena runs to Hamid, picks him up, and kisses him. Hamid is excited to tell her about the gift he has bought. Ameena is very angry that he hasn't ate anything since morning and hasn't bought anything for himself. Hamid kindly says "When you don't need the tongs, pass them to me". Now Ameena is vey happy, and her heart melts at the boy's selfless act.

Thank You!


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