Space Station

Author : Ayushi Singh

Hello Readers,
Today, I'll tell you about a man made phenomenon that filled our dreams of residing in space and explore the wonders of the space station!
So what is a space station?
The international space station is a large spacecraft that orbits around the earth, it is a home were astronauts stay during their space mission, but the vital question is, why do we build it in the first place?
Well as they say, curiosity is the essence of human existence, and it has taken us to the deepest parts of the ocean, to the tallest mountains, to every unexplored part of the world and even beyond it, into space!
Scientists around the world are always around their toes to explore the wonders of the universe, but soon they realize that it isn't possible within the confinement of the four walls of a lab to learn about space, and concluded that if they needed to know more about space then they would have to stay in space. So to facilitate the research, gather data, explore and do much more. Five space agencies that include NASA from the United States, Roscosmos from Russia, Jaxa from Japan, ESA of Europe and CSA of Canada took the initiative to build an International space station on the earth's orbit. And after some essential formalities Russia sent the first module called Zarya, meaning sunrise in Russian.
Zarya provided the solar panels to generate electricity and propulsion to accelerate the space craft so that it does not crash back. After this the USA launched the module named Unity or named Node 1 to connect the other modules. After that more and more pieces were added by other space agencies.
And step by step, two years later the station was ready for people to live in. The first crew went there in 2nd November in 2000, and people had lived on the space station ever since.

Over time some more pieces were added to it and finally, NASA and its partners around the globe completed the space station in 2011.
I know you all must be curious to know how its like being inside this giant house in space.
-The space station is made up of many parts called modules.
-Astronauts need to tie themselves when sleeping because of the gravity.
-There is a kitchen , a gymnasium and bathrooms too
-They must use all of the air, water, food.
-Solar arrays are present in the side of the space craft that collect energy from the sun.
-They go outside on space walks to explore.
-The ISS is the single most expensive object ever built!
Hope you learned something new in today's blog! hope you found it interesting too, bye!


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