AaryaOct 25 2021

The word TECHNOLOGY is connected from two Greek words 'TECHNE' and' LOGOS'. Techne means Skilled required to Craft Things and Logos means Study.TECHNOLOGY can be termed as the Application of Scientific knowledge for Partical purposes. Every machine Today That we are surrounded by is an Example of TECHNOLOGY. It has given us so many facilities, Which we could never imaged before ever.Internet, Cars, Bikes, Computers, Laptops , Moblie Phones, Coffee Wending machine ,Television ,Fridge, etc are some of the Gifts of Technology. Today we rely on Technology for carrying our Everyday Work. It has become an Integral Part of our way of Life....

The Whole Civilization has become Dependent on modern Technology that it uses. Without technologies, life annd bussiness would come to a Standstill. Technology is helpful for civilization but it must be used with necessary caution. Technology also help us in the Field of Agriculture, Medical, Education and Economy. Technology have helped the students to learn in a Modern way. In the field of medical , Technology helped a lot to the doctors to Find Effective way to Cure diseases through Medicine or Operations. We have to take Support of Technology Forever to Improve the way of life for the Betterment of mankind....



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