India vs Pakistan

Diksha IthapeOct 19 2021

The 1947 Partition of India led to the division of British India into two new independent dominions, Dominion of Pakistan and Union of India.

Pakistan was a geographically disjointed nation made up of two mutually hostile countries, Western Pakistan and Eastern Pakistan

The partition provoked a series of violent communal clashes along the boundary line between the two new states which killed an estimated one million people.

Within a year, as many as one million Muslims had crossed from East Pakistan into India while seven million Hindus and Sikhs had moved from West Pakistan into India.

In 1951, the Constituent Assembly adopted a constitution for the Indian Dominion which became effective from January 26, 1950. However, it was not until 1954 that Indian leaders were able to address the contentious issue of forming an all-India

India and Pakistan have been enemies for decades. The current tensions between the two countries can be traced back to the 1947 partition of British India. The two countries disagree on the status of Kashmir, a region both claim as their own, and this disagreement has led to three wars and numerous other conflicts.

The tension between these two rivals has only increased in recent decades with increasing cross-border terrorism and repeated military skirmishes along their borders. Both countries refuse to acknowledge each other's sovereignty over Kashmir and there is no sign that they will any time soon.

Thank you 😊


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