I Have A Dream

ABHAYOct 22 2021

Martin Luther King, Jr., is known for his contributions to the American civil rights movement in the 1960s. His most famous work is his “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered in 1963, in which he spoke of his dream of a United States that is void of segregation and racism. He worked to make sure all Americans had equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. is an American hero. In the 1950s and 1960s, he fought to end laws that were unfair to African Americans.

He worked to make sure all Americans had equal rights. On December 10, 1964, 50 years ago, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Prize for Peace during an awards ceremony in Oslo, Norway. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the use of peaceful demonstrations, acting with love and calm. Born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, King became 20th century America's most compelling and effective civil rights leader. Personal abuse, arrest, and the bombing of his home made clear the risks he would be taking if he continued to work with the movement for civil rights.
led a civil rights movement that focused on nonviolent protest. Martin Luther King's vision of equality and civil disobedience changed the world for his children and the children of all oppressed people. He changed the lives of African Americans in his time and subsequent decades.

I Have a Dream, speech by Martin Luther King Jr, that was delivered on August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington. A call for equality and freedom, it became one of the defining moments of the civil rights movement and one of the most iconic speeches in American history.


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