How I used to spend my Summer vacation

YugmaOct 27 2021

Hello everyone and my name is Yugma and my today's topic is "How I used to spend my Summer Vacation"

Summer vacation happen just after the the final exam ends and everyone has a long break and plans in the huge vacation like- Playing games, Going to tennis courts, playing with friends all day, etc.
I am a bit lazy so I will first tell you my daily routine in summer vacations and then tell what extra curricular activities I do, So let's begin :-
First thing in the morning is that I wake up late at 9:00 am because it is holidays and then I brush my teeth, have a bath and then eat my breakfast.
Then I will do nothing but something means I will play cricket with my friends, after playing cricket I will come home to have my lunch and then Play some indoor games like: Table tennis, chess, ludo, carom, etc.
Ah! when will this day end, I now 6:00 pm I will go to play game like lagori, football, hide and seek, etc.
At the end of the day I have my dinner and play the last game of chess with my father [ which I don't usually win, because my father always win.] and after that go to bed.
Each summer vacation I go somewhere where I like. I have a lot of fun in every Summer Vacation.

My alt text


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