Discovered a new planet

PrithvirajOct 22 2021

Hello, my name is Prithviraj vishwajit mohol, I am an astronaut. I work for ISRO means, Indian Space Research Organization.

     We have discovered a planet in our universe that is similar to earth and might have life possible for human beings. This planet's name has been kept as 'Cemon' this is 10 time's bigger than the earth . The temperature of this planet is 59.1 degrees Celsius which is 1% more than the earth.

Cemon is 2.9514billionkm far from the sun. This planet contains 7% less oxygen than the earth which is normal for this planet and also high amount of nitrogen present in the atmosphere . This planet haves rain 12 times a year means it will rain once in a month this planet consist of 27 hours which is 3 hours more than the earth this happens due to the rotation of the planet .

The gravity of this planet quit similar to mars means if you jump, you will be able to jump up to 3ft high. It's magnetic field is same as the earth , the dangers on this planet is snow fall it snows heavily in the summer and slow in winter seasons . this planet has 8 land divided from each other. There's high amount of water present on the land. This planet is quite bigger than the earth so it has larger number of continent .

If there is life possible on his planet w will build a super rocket which will take us to 'Cemon' and it will take 1 core people at once .

Thanks' for your time


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