A Visit to a Museum

SainaOct 07 2021

A building in which the objects of historical, cultural, artistic, and scientific interest are kept for the public display is known as a museum. It is a house of knowledge that makes us aware of the history, civilization, culture, religious practices, lifestyle, architecture, and art of the country. It lets us peep into the ancient socio-political, economic, cultural, and religious life of the people of a country.

A museum is a house of treasures filled with antiques. It holds the archaeological collectibles and artifacts that define a country’s culture and civilization. The historical panorama, the art and architecture, and the religions and relics of a country are curated and displayed in a museum. It can be said that any museum is a miniature reflection of a country’s past and ancient times. A vivid picture of the traditions, customs, and conventions of the country is showcased by a museums.

I got a golden opportunity to visit the famous historic National Museum in New Delhi. The museum building is robust and majestic. The museum has various departments that have collectibles and artifacts on different subjects and historical periods on display. I saw numerous images, articles, sculptures, and scriptures– palm leaf and rock engravings and many other articles of great value and interest as we entered the ground floor of the museum. The entire museum is divided into different departments like the archaeological division, anthropological division, display section, etc.

On going to the first floor we saw paintings, murals, charts amongst the various other things. There were manuscripts in different languages on display. We saw various ancient weapons, robes, and dresses on display. One of the corners is dedicated to the numismatics section. This section has coins from different periods put on display.

There are the realistic paintings of Ellora caves alongside beautiful replicas of the Ajanta frescos in one hall. In addition to these, the paintings depicting the lives of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and Lord Buddha through scriptures and charts are also put on display. One could truly discover the glorious history of India after having a look at this section.

We saw the remains of the Indus Valley Civilization on the second floor. There are the excavations from Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal, Kalibanga, and Ropar put on display. The broken pitchers, toys, stones, beads, skulls, etc. reflect a lot about the civilization of those times. We were really surprised to find out how advanced that civilization was.

I had a wonderful experience on exploring the museum with my friends and I could relate whatever I saw with my studies.


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