A new Invention

ARSHATIOct 25 2021

Hello Freinds ,

My name is Arshati Shende and today I am going to tell you about A new Invention I would invent .

I would create a small phone for kids which will only be about calling somebody , means just likew a phone but a mini version and only a calling version . It would come in many different colours . The purpoose of it is thgat small children do not have phone and they are not allowed to buy one . And whenever we are alone at home we should have something to call our parents . And also whenever we get lost we can call our parents from that device . And that is thge purpose of the phone . TalkieTech would be its name .

And the second thing which I would invent is a copy paste pen .That means a pen which would copy any text which is on a HARD COPY . The purpose of this pen is that if we have to take down quick but important notes you just have to copy from book and paste on notebook .

Hello Freinds ,

My name is Arshati Shende and today I am going to tell you about A new Invention I would invent .

I would create a small phone for kids which will only be about calling somebody , means just likew a phone but a mini version and only a calling version . It would come in many different colours . The purpoose of it is thgat small children do not have phone and they are not allowed to buy one . And whenever we are alone at home we should have something to call our parents . And also whenever we get lost we can call our parents from that device . And that is thge purpose of the phone . TalkieTech would be its name .

And thats it for todays blog and BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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