Sophia (Part-1)

Chetanananda PatiSep 24 2021

Hello, have you hered about robots.....of course, I know you have hered and who din't hered,they are missing a very intresting thing in this world. There are mainly sixtypes of robots: cartesian, SCARA, cylindrical, delta, polar and vertically articulated and aHumanoid Robots are one of them........a humanoid robot is a robot with its body shape built to resemble the human body. Humanoid robots exists in this world. Our India has made so many progress that the things that see ofently see in movies or comic books, they can be now made in real life also. MeetSophia, she is a social humanoid robot. Dr. David Hanson had made Sophia, she was activated first time on 14 Feb 2016, it's now Sophia's fifth birthday now. Sophia is a realistic humanoid robot capable of displaying humanlike expressions and interacting with people. Sophia is arealistic humanoid robot capable of displaying humanlike expressions and interacting with people. It's designed for research, education, and entertainment, and helps promote public discussion about AI ethics and the future of robotics. She can walk, she can talk, She can sing, She can move her hands, fingers and shoulders, She can play games with us (Like Rock Paper and Siscors with hand movements) if you want to see a video you can go on this link ( and And the most unbelibeable thing that she can do more than 65 facial expressions just like humans. In the current time there are now 15 Sophia robots made. Sophia robot has also has a sister, meetLittle Sophia. you can watch the video of her ( For now, only this much we will you again in the next part........

Good Bye......


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