Sep 24 2021

PEOPLE have remarked long ago that our lives are a reflection of the lives in heaven. While many might find that too far-fetched, life is nevertheless very precious. Had it not been so, none would have made efforts to cling on to it as long as possible. The one thing about life that is integral to it is existence. Life includes existence and without existence, life cannot happen. Existence is however sometimes challenging. There are many who do not have the fortune to get a good education, there are some who do not have access to food and shelter.

For them existence is difficult and life is despicably harsh. But just like existence is an important feature of life, another such element is hope. Hope is what people cling to when they find darkness taking over their lives. Hope is what gives way to survival. Survival and hope are important aspects for anyone and everyone as far as life and living are considered.

The world these days, governed by competition, makes survival the most difficult thing. And for those whose existence is challenging hope is the only way of survival. This is one way, life can be summed up in words. The fact however is, life cannot be summed up in words. Words fail to express the meaning and purpose that anyone feels he or she has in life. For some, it might be to create or build something, for someone it might be gaining knowledge, for someone it might be to have fun.

None of these outlooks can be said to be better or worse in terms of the other. It shows how people look at their individual lives as well as the life of others around them so as to make a sense of what they do with their existence on earth. Meaning and purpose however are both difficult to find. Experiences are a major part of life. In fact, it guides an individual through his life till his death. Each experience is a lesson for those who come by it. Some intend to learn from their experiences while others tend to ignore them. Experiences are what make it difficult for someone to find the meaning and purpose of his life.


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