My Swimming Career (pass on from old portal Blog)

RishabhAug 02 2021

Disclaimer- I had made this same blog in the old portal but now I am making it simplified, hope you enjoy!

Greetings! My name is Rishabh Anand and I study in Orchids International School 5A! Today I will tell you my story of how i progressed through swimming from Kindergarden to 3rd Grade! I was a regular 6 year old boy who hated swimming. I used to live in USA, Arizona Pheonix, Sierra Ranch. In our Society, Sierra Ranch there was a swimming pool. I'd rather only touch and splash the water with my feet instead of swim. One night we went swimming with my mothers friends and my friends. All of my friends could float, but not me. I didn't enter the swimming pool until he dragged me into the pool! I tried to float, but it was worthless. An aunty came and rescued me, so I didn't drown. That was the last time ever I went swimming in the society. The only way I made contact with water was at beaches. Then we flew and said goodbye to America and came to India and came to this school. In our new society there was a well made swimming pool. I of course didn't go in it and forgot about it. Then I discovered that swimming was at our new school. I was about to ditch the class but my mother encouraged me. So I risked it for a biscuit and carried on. We were in the shallow pool so... I had no worries. But, when all of us were good in the shallow pool we were sent into the deep pool. I was shaking. Goosebumps rose up my arm, making me look like a hairy monster! But I took a deep breath and.. I can... float? I was so surprised that the goosebumps went down to sleep and the shaking of my body went to a log like it was sleeping! I was relieved and started swimming and when we started doing practice I couldn't belive my eyes! I was the second best swimmer in class! Sean Peter was the best but I didn't mind. Then one day I beat Sean! I knew that I had a good connection with swimming. But then the unthinkable happened.... Sean kind of quit swimming. He never came back again since that day and guess what? I became the best swimmer! It was shocking and I was over-joyed and no one could beat me! Front strokes Im the best back strokes Im the best races Im the best! In front strokes Alisha was the 2nd best swimmer and at back strokes Nishika was. Then something unexpected happened... a swimming contest with different sections. I took the part and practiced in the well-made society swimming pool. Then the day of the race came. Most of them was girls, if not ALL of them were. I think I was the only boy. Then the race started. I didn't look back and touched the pole... I watched back... and I was the only one at the end. I won. I got the Golden Medal and was super excited. Since the lockdown came, that was the last time I did swimming ever. The End. Now you can also do anything you hate! Hated things can be your best thing! Hope you have a great day and goodbye.


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