Promoted To Next Grade!

Hello everyone this is my first blog in my 7th grade and in this blog and going to tell you how do I feel after being promoted from 6th to 7th!

First of all I was really scared about the exams because we all know the question paper is unknown and some or the other part in every subject is difficult and we feel like if that part only comes in the exam then what we will do but the papers were very easy I also wasn't scared when the difficult part came in the exam because I knew the answers I wrote them as quick as the bullet train goes!

But the exams got over and then you must be thinking the tensions are over but you know the tension of the result , results are kind of disappointing sometimes even if you feel that our papers went awesome and they were easy as Pie.

My classes started from today and I feel really grown up because 7 is a big number right now I feel like I am officially a grown-up girl though I am 12 I am on Cloud Nine because 7th I am repeating it again is a big number.

I am really hoping and praying to God that this Corona goes and we will have physical school I really miss my school and meeting and greeting of friends all the joy and fun in the school is not in the virtual classes and in the small screen of a phone and other devices.


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