Hi guys! How are you?? I hope you are safe and healthy at home. How are your studies going on? Are you taking proper notes? Are you posting and answering the questions in discussion forum? Well, my answer would be yes, my studies are going really good and I am taking really good and proper notes. Yes, I am posting and answering questions on discussion form. Well, as I am mentioned that from when our academic year has started for me it’s like a start of New Year! Not the 1st Jan New Year, I am talking about the new start of 7th grade. Well I hope all of you scored good marks and spent your holidays wisely! Well, by reading the title you must be thinking and having an idea that I am going to be talking about hero. And yes you are a little correct but not completely correct. To know more about what I am going to tell and to break your curiosity read my blog!!!!!!

So, we always know a lot about heroes and almost 99% of people in the world only speak and like heroes. But let me tell you, if there are no negative character there is no positive character too. And there is always a reason why a person becomes a negative character. Anything that is caused always has a reason. Similarly there must be some reason why a person is having a negative character. And I also wanted to tell you that, “If you are a hero in one’s life then you will have to be a villain in another’s life.” Always remember this. It is a very important line for your life. You can never be a hero for everyone, for one or the other you are a negative character too. I just want to tell you that villains are not always cruel as you think. As I also told you that there is always a reason behind. A human being never takes any action unless and until someone hurts him/her. Now, let me ask you a question. Can a negative character turn out be a positive character??? What do you think? Well, let me tell you nothing is impossible if you try. So, my answer would be yes a negative character can change to a positive character if that particular person wants. But it takes time. When a negative person changes into a positive person in 24 hrs it is impossible. And you should understand that there is something fishy. But if an incident has taken place there is a possibility. And let me tell you this is what my opinion is. And it may turn out to be a fact. I would also like to tell you that heroism is not in over-confident, show off or anything to show your personality. At last I would like to tell you that you are a hero! Well, you can write your own opinion by a writing a blog.

At last I have a few questions that I want you to answer. And they are:

Who do you think is a hero? What is the role of a hero? Can a girl be hero? Can a coward be hero? Can a negative character turn out be a positive character?????

Its your opinion, don't fear to share anything. Be honest. Speak from the bottom of you heart. Your answer might be similar but not the same.


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