The History Of Football


History of Football

Welcome to the History of My favourite game -Football

The history of modern day football began in the mid of !9th century.But games similar to football

existed much earlier and have evolved over time to be what they are today.

In the 2nd and 3rd century in China, the game of football involved only kicking the ball by the name CUJU. It was played on a square ground. And before this in Meso America it was played with

A rock.

Other games with balls were played in ancient Greece,The ball were made of different materials but they were not played on public arenas. The Romans brought this culture to the British Island but it is uncertain how the British people were influenced and how they developed the game we see today.

Even today it is believed that the game was developed in England in the 12th century.It was played on meadowa and roads in England.The early form of football was played in a crude

Manner. A similar type game played in the 16th century in Florence was called Calcio.

In 1835 the game was established in public schools. The two main schools that played football were Rugby and Eton.

At Rugby , they had their own rules and that the ball could be picked up by hands but at Eton used only feet to touch the ball . The game at Rugby was called “the running game” and the game at Eton was called the “ the dribbling game”

The modern day football is very close to what was played at Eton. This is how the game of Rugby and Football differ.

In 1893, the first Football Association was formed in London.At this meeting the size and shape of football were decided and carrying the ball with hands was not allowed.

After this meeting the game was divided into two codes :The Rugby and Football.

Thank you for reading.
Thank you


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