The Hiccups


Hello friends, I am sure at some point all of us must have been interrupted by this squeaky noise coming out of our mouth called ‘Hiccups’. Which could be a little irritating and embarrassing at times. I remember when I was young, I participated in a poem recitation competition at my preprimary school. There were hundreds of people who were staring at me as I stood on the stage nervously, shivering with fear. And as soon as I opened my mouth hiccups were coming out! It was like the hiccups were haunting me! The entire hallway burst into laughter as I left the stage with embarrassment. But I did not give up , on that day I decided to learn about these strange noises and what causes them, and I would like to share that research with you all today! So, without any delay let u get started 👉

What causes hiccups? Well, the most common cause of hiccups is eating and drinking extremely fast but there are other factors such as swallowing air or intense emotions such as crying, laughing, stress and excitement can be the reason behind those jerky sound effects. But what happens during hiccups? Well, the main cause culprit behind you getting hiccups is the diaphragm. A dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of your chest that we use to inhale and exhale air but sometimes the diaphragm gets annoyed and contractions that cause us to take a quick breath of air. The sudden rush air causes the glottis, a flap inside your vocal cords to shut abruptly stopping the air from entering the windpipe and reaching the lungs. Thus, creating that noise!...

So, friends this was my first part of “The Hiccups”. I hope you liked it and are curious to read the further part. Until I bring the second part, stay home stay safe and follow SMS to be precautious.


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