The English Language

Author : Tanishqua Deshmukh

The language English has its origin in the early medieval period. It is a West Germanic language, and today it is spoken almost in every nooks and corner of the world. The language has a total development period of almost 1400 years.

The version of English that is spoken today is most commonly referred to as Modern English. Every form of media today is operative in this language. In the present world, English acts as a unifying factor for people from all over the world.

English is named after an ancient Germanic people, Angles, who migrated to then Great Britain, which is England today. It is an official language in over 67 countries and has more than 35 dialects. An estimate made in the year 2005 states that over 2 billion speakers of this language are present all over the world.

All over the world, in many schools, English is the primary language. This international language makes it possible for people from all over the world to connect easily. The knowledge of English in the present time is a common demand in various fields.

Nowadays, English is not simply a language; it has become a lifestyle. After Chinese and Spanish, English is the next in line to bespoken the most. The vocabulary of this language is extremely rich and in an average of almost two hours, there is one new word that is being added to it. It is a language that is dynamic and is continuously evolving. All this development is mainly due to social media, where the majority of interaction stake place in English.

If someone is to name, which is the most commonly spoken language in the world, everyone will think of English. The native speakers of this language are only about 400 million. Other than this, almost 1.6 billion people can either speak English or understand it.


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