Describe A Day When Everything Goes Wrong

Author : Taneeshtha Kalel

One day in the morning in the lockdown I was sweeping the house. The dust came back in the house. That was to awful.

I tried to make lunch in the afternoon. The salt quantity in the vegetable was more. And in rice it was less. I also tried making roti but the shapes were of different types like triangle. Different types of triangle. Still everyone had to eat it. It was good not better.

I had also made a mess in my room in the afternoon of clothes and books. All over the room only books and clothes….

I had wrap up everything what I had spread over the room.

In the evening I was trying making an Oreo Chocolate Cake.I added everything in a correct proportion. But the cake over cooked. And I failed in this also. It tasted good but not the best as mom makes. The dinner was made by my mom after a tiring day. It was made delicious.

This day I would never forget because of what I did that day. I couldn’t make anything up to the mark because of my silliness. This day was the worst day of my life while making food.

A fresh day, I was sitting at one place because I was told not to get up from the place. The day before yesterday I had made a mess in the house. I had wasted a lot of things.

This is how I spent my weekends enjoying the mess which I make………..

Thanks for reading the blog. See you in the next blog. Stay tuned with Taneeshtha Kalel


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