Author : Mokshit Nikesh Jain

Hi! friends, do you know that what is the blanket of gasses that surrounds the Earth? Yes you are right Atmosphere is the blanket of gases that surrounds the Earth. Today I am going to tell you about the atmosphere.

The atmosphere extends around 320 kilometers above the Earths surface. The atmosphere helps to maintain the temperature on the Earth. It also protects us from the meteoroids. When the meteoroids hit the Earth's atmosphere it starts burning and is destroyed. The ozone layer present in the atmosphere absorbs the ultraviolet rays that comes form the Sun. It can cause damage such as wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, etc. It can also cause eye problems. Let me tell you more about atmosphere.
Atmosphere is made up of air and air is made up of different types of gasses.
Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide, water vapour, dust and smoke.

There is 21 percent of oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is soluble in water. It is very important for breathing. Without oxygen living things cannot survive. Do you know that how aquatic animal breathe in the water? Yes you are right, as I told that the oxygen is soluble in water. The aquatic animals breathe the oxygen that is dissolved in the water. Oxygen is one of the most important constituents of air. All the living things need it for respiration, even plants take oxygen for respiration. Do you know that oxygen is also needed for burning. Without oxygen there will be no life on the Earth.

Nitrogen is a abundant component of air. There is 78 percent of nitrogen present on the Earth. We cannot breathe nitrogen but it is very important for us it helps in the formation of proteins. It is also used make fertilisers such as potassium, urea, etc. It is also used for the process of food packaging food and the food remains fresh for a long time.

There is 0.03 percent of carbon-di-oxide in the atmosphere. It is released by all the living things during the process of respiration. Carbon-di-oxide is important because it keeps our Earth warm. It trapes the sun's heat and maintains the temperature. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect. If there would be no carbon-di-oxide our Earth would be very cold. Do you know that when we burn anything it produces carbon-di-oxide. Plants also use carbon-di-oxide for making their food by the process of photosynthesis. It does not supports the burning.

Water vapour
The amount of water vapour present in the air is called humidity. The percentage of water depend on the weather conditions. It enters the air by the process of evaporation of water that occurs on the Earth's surface.

Dust and Smoke
The amount of dust varies from one place to another. The smoke and dust particles are released from the factories and automobiles. The dust particles come from storms, vehicles, dusting and sweeping of roads, etc. These are harmful for the human beings. We should not breathe the air containing dust particles and smoke. If they enter our body it can effect our respiratory system.


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