

Do you know anything about Airplanes,I'll Tell you

An airplane or aeroplane is a powered, fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine, propeller or rocket engine. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes,colours and wing configurations. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled such as drones.

Airplanesare transportation devices which are designed to move people and cargo from one place to another.

Who invented the Aeroplane?
Karl Jatho

Mostairplanestoday aremadeout of aluminum, a strong, yet lightweight metal. The Ford Tri-Motor, the first passenger plane from 1928, wasmadeout of aluminum. The modern Boeing 747 is an aluminumairplaneas well. Other metals, such as steel and titanium, are sometimes used to buildaircraft.Today airplanesareusedto transport people, goods, and military equipment around the world, as well as for recreational purposes. Some aircrafttodayare even powered by remote control. Interesting Airplane Facts: ... It is designed to provide lift for the airplane as it is propelled through the air.
Shivkar Bapuji Talpade
Highlights. New Delhi: The first flying machine was invented by Indian scholarShivkar Bapuji Talpadeand notthe Wright Brothers, Union Minister Satya Pal Singh insists, and he believes this must be taught in the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and other engineering institutes.Jet fuel(Jet A-1typeaviation fuel, also called JP-1A) is used globally in the turbine engines (jet engines, turboprops) in civil aviation. This is a carefully refined, lightpetroleum. The fuel type iskerosene.

Hope you learned something new today.

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