The Treasure Hunt

Author : Malvika Pise

 Long Long ago in the sea coast ofCaribbean, situated a small island of Vinicio with small huts. It was a type of a village. The head of the Vinicio Island was King Vinicio and the people staying there are called Vinicio's tribe. The king had three children who loved to hear stories of treasures, pirates, etc. They were : Shinzo, Alpha andQuinine. Once while playing along the cost, flinging stones into the water their was a white strip like structure in the water. Shinzo called her brother Quinine and her sister Alpha to fetch the white strip, as the drew closer to that impeccable thing, it was a flat sheet like a map.
"Is it a kind of a map "guessed Quinine. "Ya brother your correct it is a map" said Alpha in joy. Shinzo held open up the map and saw a paths around and a treasure in the backyard of the map marked with a dark jet black cross.
they then recognized that it was a game of treasure hunt. They followed first along the light brown path shown in the map. Those three siblings went off to their journey then. As they kept following the light brown path they came upon their father's boat, jumped in and took up the white rails and the two handles of the bath and rowed away from their island without knowing anyone." Its going to beadventurous journey" exclaimed Quinine. " Yes, brother but we should always be together" exclaimed Shinzo. They drove away from the island and the journey began, after a couple of minutes, Alpha and Quinine were really hungry, but Shinzo ignored and was gaping at that map and examining it deeply, soon Alpha and Quinine found a piece of bread and some chewing gum packs like structure. They were so hungry that they ate it as it was.
The boat was going on smoothly like a soft breeze swirling through. After a long time the cool clouds turned into grey and the sky turned black. thunderstorm was heard at a certain distance. Water was splashing hard on the rocks like someone has fallen of the cliff. Rain drops began to fall from the sky, and thunderstorm was heard after then and then. The sky was in rage, fearful and hyper. The three siblings were kind of scared. then the rails were about to fall off. " Alpha go hold up the rails" cried Shinzo. Quinine helped her out there. They quick held it up tightly but failed, the rails were gone. All of them were panicking, nothing was going good around. After that a swooshing breeze closed their eyes and they slept throughout the stormy day.
When they woke up, they reached near a black smokyarea where no one was there. As per the map Shinzo and her siblings were walking towards north. As they walked they came upon a big lake with smokygreenish white fluid. A black patch was seen on the the water. They jumped on it one by one and went ahead. Suddenly, a those black patches rose above like a bread puffing up. As they knew that it was no the patches but they were vicious crocodiles which white diabolicaleyes. Everyone was frightened and ran away, the crocodiles were trailing after them. They ran as fast as a cheetah to save their lives. They came upon a huge mountain. Everyone climbed on it, it took them at least half an hour to climb that steady thing. Everyone were exhausted. As them reached at top of the mountain, the crocodiles were gone. They were safe now, Shinzo looked at the map and saw that their treasure was quiet near, the map gave a hint that the treasure was in the ship, as they were running towards it a red scaled sea dragon approached, another trouble for them.
At any cost they have to fight, Shinzo threw away the map and Quinine distracted the dragon wheres the two sisters ran into the ship, Quinine too ran fast in the ship and closed the ship's door so the dragon couldn't come inside. In the ship everything was dark as if they have been locked in a dungeon. Afterthat some sparkling rthing emerged from some source, the three of them went to see it and saw a treasure box with full of gold and silver coins, "we made it guys!" cheered Shinzo. Seeing her sister so happy Alpha and Quinine were happy to. So here the story comes to an questioning end, Did shinzo and her siblings went home? Did they take the treasure box? Well no clue for that till now.


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