Gandhiji's Concept Of Satyagraha...

Author : Hamsika Mudireddy

The term Satyagraha was coined by Gandhiji to express the nature of non-violent direct action of the Indians in South Africa against the racial policy of the Government there. He was especially anxious to distinguish Satyagraha from Passive Resistance.

The literal meaning of Satyagraha is “holding on to truth.” Thus Satyagraha is the relentless pursuit of truthful ends through non-violent means. It is nothing but tapasya for truth. It is the vindication of truth, not by inflicting suffering on the opponent but on one’s own self.

Both Satyagraha and Passive Resistance are methods for meeting aggression and settling conflicts. The difference between the two is that Passive Resistance as practiced by non conformists in England and the Germans in Ruhr against the French, was a political weapon of expediency whereas Satyagraha is an oral weapon based on the superiority of soul- force or love-force over physical force. Passive Resistance is the weapon of the weak while Satyagraha can be practised only by the bravest who have the courage to die without killing.

While in Passive Resistance, the aim is to embarrass the opponent into submission; the aim of Satyagraha is to wean the opponent from error by love and patient suffering. While in Passive Resistance, there is no place for love for the opponent; in Satyagraha, there is no room for ill-will and hatred and the like. Thus Passive Resistance is static; Satyagraha is dynamic. While Passive Resis­tance is a negative approach; Satyagraha is positive in content.

Passive Resistance does not exclude the possibility of violent methods; Satyagraha on the other hand does not permit violence in any form or shape. While Passive Resistance is offered in a spirit of weakness, Satyagraha is offered in a spirit of strength. There is nothing passive about Satyagraha, on the other hand it is active, pure and simple. While Satyagraha emphasizes internal strength of character; Passive Resistance does not lay emphasis on the moral stature of the resisters.

A Satyagrahi only acts against the evil and not against the evil-doer since evil doer is only a person. There is thus no hatred for that person but aversion only to his wrong action.


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