
Author : Manasi Patil

Nano technology is a part of science and technology about the control of matter on the  atomic and molecular scale - this means things that are about 100 nanometers across .

Nanotechnology includes making products that use parts this small, such as electronic devices ,catalyst  sensors, etc. To give you an idea of how small that is, there are more nanometers in an inch than there are inches in 400 miles. To give an international idea of how small that is, there are as many nanometers in a centimeter , as there are centimeters in 100 kilometers. Nanomaterial's are a major trend in medicine. These help deliver medications in a specific target, this is known as Nano medicine. Another study of the impact of toxic nanoparticles is Nontoxicity. This later one depends in the future understanding of the toxicity of nanomaterials depend on technological innovations and scientific results stemming from enhanced research and discovery in nanotechnologies. The communication between different areas in science to aid in the study of nanoparticles risk assessment, and toxicology. There are international efforts to study Nano toxicology . Therefore there is a high demand for research, on the effects of nanoparticles. The Amara Law is an advice to that as time pass when humans use the nanotechnology there increase in Nano waste. The interactions between nanoparticles and harmful environmental chemicals may lead to unique exposures and health risks. The research should focus in the merge between the nanoparticles and the environment. Therefore there are developing laws to be applied for better research the better risk assessment. Regulations for efficiently develop useful and well-planned studies, and future recommendations to manage Nano waste. The term Nano is strictly to size and not chemical composition in terms of nanoparticles . According to recent toxicological studies nanoparticles are any particle less than 100 nm in at least one dimension . A major recommendation, other than more funding and advance research in ecotoxicology and Nano toxicology, is the recycling of Nano waste. This recycling proves beneficial in the reduction of Nano waste independently of the time increase and Nano waste increase direct relationship. This recycling needs segregation of used Nano products, making them available for future use, in new products. These products if not possible to be recycled bio utilization is need to be used. For example, some species of plants and fungi are hyper accumulators of heavy metals. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals, radionuclides and other xenobiotic by plants, fungi and microorganisms is a convenient way of remediation of polluted soils, water and air. Finally, the emerging development of nanotechnology needs a better research and knowledge in how to bioutilise or recycle the Nano waste .


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