Ayurveda - The Ancient System Of Medicine


Hello readers!! Welcome to my next blog. This time its on Ayurveda. Enjoy reading!!

India is a country which has it's own system of medicines like Ayurveda, Sidha, Unnani. Among them Ayurveda is the most popular medical system.
Ayurveda means veda of Ayu. That means the Science of Life.
It is considered as that Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine.
Ayurveda is the upveda of Atharvaveda. The God of Ayurveda is Lord Dhanwanthari.
Susrutha, Charaka, Mathava, Atreya, Vagbhata, etc. were some of the Acharyas in Ayurveda. Ayurveda has different categories like Kayachikitlsa, Salyachikitlsa, Kaumaraachikitlsa, etc.
Ayurveda medicines are based on herbs, that is why it is considered as having less side effcts. One of the main treatments in Ayurveda is Panchakarma - Five Karmas which really detoxify our body.
The World Ayurveda Day is on the same of Dhanwanthari day. This year, it was on November 13.
The main Ayurveda textbooks are Charaka samhita, Susratha samhita, Mathava Samhita, etc. In this books, we can find a complete description of human body, it's diseases and its management.
Do you know that Ayurveda also had surgery!! But now, ayurvedic doctors are not allowed to operate surgery.

We can find techniques to avoid disease like Rutu charya, Dina charya. This means that the healthy routines we should follow daily to avoid disease, which is much relevant in this times.
Ayurveda is not merely a treatment system but it is a healthy lifestyle. By following this system, we can avoid diseases and live a healthy and happy life.

I hope that you enjoyed my blog. Keep reading my blogs. Seeing you soon till then BYE!


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