The Belief In Yourself Is The Biggest Success Of Your Life

Author : Janvi Mudgal

"The belief in your is the way of success "

It's a story of a person who believed in himself and now is a successful person in world...
Let me tell the story and then you need to guess who is he?

He was born in a small farming village of Japan.
His family was poor, they all lived in a small house with very little money.
When he was only 9 years old , he left his school.
And started working in a small shop , to support his family.
He used to get up early everyday, before sunrise.
He used to clean the store , run errands and then look after the children of his employers.
Some years later, destiny showed him a new path.
He got an job in an electricity company.
There he got interested in light bulbs and sockets.
Every night he started learning and experimenting on his own.
One day he made an improved version of a light socket, all by himself.
He got very excited and showed it to his boss.
But his boss was not impressed and said "such a product will never work".
Even though he was rejected, he believed in his idea.
He wanted to do something, on his own , start his own company.
He asked his friends, they told him "he cannot do it".
"He cannot leave his permanent job and start his own country".
He has no experience , very little money and hardly any education.
So when he turned 22, he took a bid decision.
He left his job and started his own small manufacturing company in his house with his wife.
They started manufacturing sockets.
They both went door to door selling it .
But no shop owner was interested , they did not get any orders.
Till many months they were unable to sell there products.
He thought that since these many days I have'nt sold any product .
He sold his furniture to get some money and survive for some more days .
Now he thought only 1 more day I will wait even then if I don't get any orders I will leave this work and go back to my job I left.
But still he believed in himself.


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